The Current Focus on Orthokeratology
Orthokeratology is a myopia correction method that was first approved by the U.S. FDA in 2002.
Orthokeratology lenses are worn during sleep to correct the shape of the cornea, allowing the patient to go without corrective eyewear during the day.
The research on this revolutionary orthokeratology is being actively carried out globally to confirm that orthokeratology lenses are both effective at myopia correction and safe.
Furthermore, many papers have been published around the world showing that orthokeratology delays the progression of myopia, and people are increasingly recognizing the potential of orthokeratology to slow myopia in the future.*¹
Si, Jun-Kang, et al., Optometry and Vision Science, 92, 2015.
For those of us who take in so much information through our eyes, the ability of the eye to see plays an important role in our lives.
Since correcting myopia may affect our quality of life, it is important to provide the appropriate myopia treatment for each individual.
What Is Orthokeratology?
Orthokeratology is a new approach to myopia correction that differs from common types of contact lenses and glasses.
By wearing specially shaped orthokeratology lenses at bedtime, nearsighted people can flatten the shape of their corneas, resulting in better unaided decimal visual acuity after the lenses are removed. During the day, you can go without corrective eyewear, and no surgery is required.
Who Is It Recommended For?
Want to be freed of the annoyance of glasses and contact lenses during the day?
You don’t want to wear glasses. Contact lenses make your eyes feel dry by evening. You don’t like how your eyes feel with contacts in during the day. In such cases, orthokeratology lenses may be the solution.
Want less hassle during sports?
Glasses get in the way during sports, or the dust irritates your eyes. You want to get more enjoyment out of water sports like swimming and surfing. Orthokeratology is recommended for active lifestyles.
Afraid of eye surgery?
You find the prospect of eye surgery scary. Orthokeratology does not require surgery.
If you stop wearing the lens, the cornea will be generally reverted in about a month.
Note: Advantages and disadvantage above are just examples.
Wearing Cycle of Orthokeratology Lenses
Unlike common types of contact lenses, orthokeratology lenses are put in when you go to bed at night and taken out when you get up in the morning.
Orthokeratology lenses are specially designed hard contact lenses with high oxygen permeability. While you sleep, the lenses change the shape of the corneas to be flatter, which improves unaided decimal visual acuity after the lenses are removed. Since vision remains sharp after the lenses are taken out, you can live in comfort throughout the day.
Note: After you begin using orthokeratology lenses, you might be asked to temporarily wear glasses or disposable contact lenses until your visual acuity stabilizes. The individual effects of orthokeratology may vary.